Tim "Gumpy" Hillman is a mercenary hirable from M.E.R.C. He is available from the organization's opening.
Official Description[]
"Tim is a brilliant explosives expert who catches on quickly. When it comes to explosives though, there really isn't much room for error. Tim Hillman would probably still be enrolled in Harvard, doing graduate studies in electro-magnetic research, if it wasn't for a couple bouts of severe depression...possibly due to the constant exposure to EMF.
Additional Info:
Due to acute allergies, Tim prefers to work in northern climates."
- M.E.R.C. Dossier
Jagged Alliance 2[]
Unfinished Business[]
- "Present." - selected on tactical screen.
- "I'm on location. Ready for the next scene." - arrived at location
- "They're heeeeeere!" - spotting an enemy
- "More bad news." - spotting more enemy
- "My ass is grass!" - spotting a lot of enemies
- "It's a start anyway." - skill increase
- "Better you than me!" - killed enemy
- "Warning! Warning! Will Robinson!" - Bloodcat spotted
- "Last one down. That was better than Reservoir Dogs, man!" - sector clear
- "No, man, no, no way, not me." - refuse to carry out an order.
- "I'm on location. Ready for the next scene." - Arrived in new sector.
- "Ten Four." - An order confirmed.
- "Whoa, careful pilgrim. Looks mighty suspicious 'round these parts." - A land mine or trap detected.
- None
Liked by[]
- None
- None
Disliked by[]
- One of only two mercs to share exact first names with another merc (without including diminutive variations such as "Bobby" for "Robert").
- His face is actually of a Jagged Alliance 2 game internals programmer, Chris Camfield, as seen in Credits.
- Heat intolerant causes him to suffer morale loss in areas southern to Cambria.
- A movie geek, and peppers everything he says with references.
- Talks with a LOT of saliva.
- His incredibly high wisdom means he could become VERY able, with time. "Gumpy" can quickly develop his Explosives skills by using Landmines and Marksmanship using window-and throwing knife method with the help of I.M.P. character.
- His trait is electronics, however his mechanical skill is 0, meaning that in JA2 V.1.12 his trait is useless as he won't be able to increase mechanical skill past zero.