Jagged Alliance Wiki

Appearances: Jagged Alliance. Nonplayable in Jagged Alliance 2.


"A member in excellent standing, Doctor Bernie Gloveless has been responsible for treating the wounded and administering the annual physical of A.I.M. members for more than five years. Both his operating and examining techniques have become... well... timeless!" - Jagged Alliance

"Bernie's history with A.I.M. can probably be, at best, described as checkered. After refusing to give up his position as the organizations phycisian and considering the abundance of complaints from fellow members, A.I.M felt obliged to give Dr. Bernie Gloveless a dishonourable discharge. He is currently employed with an international insurance company, so you might want to remember his name the next time your company sends you for your annual physical." - Jagged Allinace 2 Alumni gallery

Additional information:

Nationality: American


"I am booked to the O.R. tomorrow. You might want to try me later in the day." - Initial refusal to hire
