Jagged Alliance Wiki
Jagged Alliance Wiki
For a full list of characters in alphabetical order, see Category:Characters

The following is a list of characters in the series. This includes mercenaries, RPCs, NPCs, traders and quest related characters.

Jagged Alliance[]


Dr. Mark "Needle" Kranhuim 92 80 81 88 2 62 34 6 98 1900
Gary Roachburn 83 68 59 60 1 67 22 14 11 315
Samuel Garver 75 58 55 91 4 86 65 22 11 2750
Glen "Boss" Hatchet 80 76 84 71 3 84 99 53 9 2950
Lesley "Smoke" Peterson 78 87 80 44 1 69 20 90 7 560
Jimmy Upton 84 82 73 47 2 56 92 16 0 800
Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan 74 77 61 83 2 66 3 0 83 1750
Wink E. Dickerson 92 80 68 59 1 38 2 1 2 240
Mary-Beth Wilkens 77 90 36 80 1 55 22 0 44 330
Rudy "Lynx" Roberts 81 79 86 71 3 99 19 50 23 3300
Lt. Bud Hellar 73 79 75 69 2 78 18 8 19 1100
Victoria "Vicki" Waters 79 85 72 85 3 80 90 28 16 2850
Larry Roachburn 46 72 54 58 1 50 7 82 49 140
Edward "Ears" Stockwell 72 67 58 79 1 54 26 18 22 375
Murray "Moses" Ebstern 49 39 29 89 5 84 88 31 29 1900
Patrick "Screw" Phillips 82 66 71 68 3 64 82 24 4 1500
Helmut "Grunty" Grunther 82 79 86 72 1 69 40 25 14 490
Russell Hunter 74 71 89 68 3 65 30 71 0 1650
Ivan Dolvich 94 90 95 83 2 91 10 40 5 1500
Dr. Bernie Gloveless 69 39 48 85 3 75 4 0 94 2650
"Unusually Ruthless" Reuban 57 45 39 28 1 32 0 1 0 35
Murray "Pops" McGillicutty 38 14 4 88 9 85 9 6 18 2800
Col. Leo Kelly 95 87 91 81 4 94 67 0 13 4700
Tex R. Colburn 71 71 57 52 1 65 32 2 0 275
Fidel Dahan 88 83 64 71 2 85 6 97 3 1550
Hurl E. Cutter 100 81 71 55 1 60 0 0 44 400
Biff Apscott 73 74 71 58 1 47 0 0 0 95
Maj. Spike Scallion 77 59 86 85 5 92 76 53 11 6000
Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon 70 93 14 29 1 44 2 2 4 100
Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman 77 85 100 76 1 54 15 8 60 515
Sidney Nettleson 80 70 91 78 4 91 0 14 39 4000
Mike 97 95 94 96 8 99 98 97 67 12000
Hector Alvarez 79 84 88 72 1 61 38 17 6 410
Johnny "Snake" Edwards 65 89 86 57 2 80 12 22 0 1150
Ice Williams 90 88 87 71 2 86 35 0 0 1300
Speck T. Kline 69 51 77 86 1 49 99 8 11 365
Willy "Weasel" Augustin 56 44 36 60 1 54 5 40 0 180
Timothy "Leech" Jenkins 63 58 70 54 2 98 10 17 9 1150
Dr. Clifford "Cliff" Highball 73 60 53 87 3 83 0 10 79 3000
Frank "Hitman" Hennessy 80 81 40 74 3 93 11 34 3 1800
Lance Fisher 76 69 61 56 1 44 0 0 21 230
Dr. Margaret Trammel 85 24 75 88 3 69 21 0 89 3500
Dr. Eli Summers 81 83 58 77 2 49 65 0 70 1400
Elroy B. Tolken 63 54 88 50 1 55 81 6 12 345
Peter "Wolf" Sanderson 87 73 84 74 2 74 48 32 44 1850
Bruce "Skitz" Bonner 48 60 51 31 1 47 0 69 0 90
Walter Yuntz 82 55 62 83 2 24 95 48 24 650
Kirk "Static" Stevenson 79 66 95 60 3 84 98 24 10 3100
Herman "Turtle" Regents 53 8 21 80 2 75 12 5 2 250
Corp. Len Anderson 96 83 89 83 5 83 54 47 35 6500
Marty "Kaboom" Moffat 71 93 91 13 1 58 27 84 0 210
Earl "Magic" Walker 90 99 98 80 4 93 91 22 14 5600
Reverend Clyde Potter 74 46 41 54 2 64 15 41 15 740
Megan "Sparky" Roachburn 52 68 88 51 1 47 86 28 0 205
Dr. Mitch Shudlem 83 71 88 97 3 56 13 24 96 3800
Robert James "Scully" Sullivan 90 90 96 93 5 91 61 58 36 7500
Howard "Carp" Melfield 55 54 52 77 2 67 15 5 2 575
Carl "It" Goodman 95 55 74 29 1 61 3 0 0 155
Vincenzo "Vinny" Massimo 73 75 74 65 1 65 87 4 0 385
Capt. Bob Adams 81 68 66 97 2 72 26 33 37 1200


Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games[]

All mercenaries from Jagged Alliance return in Deadly Games, plus the following:

Jean Pierre "Malice" Viau 83 81 97 55 1 77 12 6 2 550
Hamous 66 68 66 35 1 74 2 0 0 245
Anita "Mouse" Backman 84 99 94 75 1 69 4 0 10 750
Jack "Postie" Durham 58 61 72 68 1 66 13 14 8 260
Edgar "Nails" Smorth 72 60 88 79 3 84 63 51 11 1800
Sheila "Scope" Sterling 87 89 76 81 4 99 1 9 17 2800
Col. Leon Roachburn 65 50 54 77 5 83 33 21 20 1600
Roger "Dyno" Wittman 80 59 95 45 1 60 0 85 31 675
Louisa "Buzz" Garneau 71 84 47 84 3 96 0 0 0 1300
Alan "Spam" Webster 85 97 79 88 3 78 75 19 42 3200

In the last Mission Gus Tarballs will join your team.

Jagged Alliance 2[]

This section lists all mercenaries from Jagged Alliance 2, including Unfinished Business & Wildfire. They can be sorted by nickname and stats.


Barry Unger 82 72 87 80 29 91 2 70 44 92 20 Electronics, Lockpicking
Keith "Blood" Hanson 84 94 87 82 06 75 3 78 23 31 51 Throwing, Martial Arts
John "Bull" Peters 96 59 44 98 23 64 2 72 25 17 10 Hand-to-hand (Expert)
Monica "Buns" Sondergaard 79 78 87 59 24 93 2 86 08 04 48 Teaching (Expert)
Louisa "Buzz" Garneau 71 84 47 68 13 90 4 96 05 19 0 Heavy & Auto Weapons
Dr. Clifford "Cliff" Highball 82 60 53 64 33 87 4 84 04 31 84 -
Dr. Daniel "Danny" Quinten 99 99 79 73 10 91 3 61 12 0 88 Ambidextrous
Dr. Q. Huaong 88 92 81 73 26 91 3 60 19 20 87 Martial Arts, Night Ops
Fidel Dahan 88 83 64 83 01 71 2 85 06 97 03 Hand-to-hand
Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman 77 85 100 55 21 76 2 69 15 08 70 Teaching, Ambidextrous
Steve "Grizzly" Bornell 94 69 50 95 16 72 2 79 24 37 08 Hand-to-hand, Heavy Weapons
Helmut "Grunty" Grunther 82 79 76 71 21 72 3 78 44 28 22 Night Ops, Heavy Weapons
Gus Tarballs 75 65 84 82 83 94 8 97 89 76 68 Heavy Weapons (Expert)
Frank "Hitman" Hennessy 75 77 40 69 52 74 4 88 11 39 03 Throwing, Teaching
Ice Williams 90 88 87 84 23 78 3 86 42 03 07 Teaching, Auto Weapons
Igor Dolvich 91 89 75 82 04 84 2 77 36 19 17 Stealth
Ivan Dolvich 94 90 95 87 35 83 4 92 14 55 15 Heavy & Auto Weapons
Corp. Len Anderson 89 80 86 77 61 83 7 83 54 47 35 Auto Weapons, Teaching
Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts 81 79 78 77 39 71 4 99 29 50 34 Electronics, Night Ops
Earl "Magic" Walker 95 99 98 92 16 80 5 94 91 27 24 Lockpicking, Stealth
Jean Pierre "Malice" Viau 83 81 97 89 13 55 3 83 14 16 12 Knifing, Hand-to-hand
Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson 72 62 78 76 04 94 1 66 7 0 80 Knifing, Teaching
Norma "Meltdown" Jessop 78 74 84 76 24 82 3 83 22 40 3 Heavy Weapons, Ambidex
Edgar "Nails" Smorth 72 60 88 90 24 79 4 84 63 78 11 Lockpicking
Ron "Raider" Higgens 80 71 78 80 87 76 4 88 12 20 11 Teaching (Expert)
Charlene "Raven" Higgens 85 76 92 68 19 77 2 94 5 5 17 Night Ops, Auto Weapons
Carl "Reaper" Sheppards 81 92 92 79 37 81 6 97 37 47 2 Stealthy, On roof
Ernie "Red" Spragg 68 66 81 69 21 79 4 78 33 99 5 Teaching, Electronics
Sheila "Scope" Sterling 87 89 76 64 39 81 5 99 4 21 17 Night Ops, Teaching
Robert James "Scully" Sullivan 90 90 96 85 70 93 5 92 61 66 36 Knifing (Expert)
Kyle "Shadow" Simmons 95 96 83 88 35 77 5 92 12 22 30 Camouflage, Stealth
Sidney Nettleson 80 70 91 76 27 78 5 92 2 15 44 Throwing (Expert)
Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston 81 56 76 68 16 90 1 70 0 0 94 Stealth, Night Ops
Kirk "Static" Stevenson 79 66 95 59 15 60 4 86 99 28 17 Night Ops, Electronics
Stephen Rothman 97 71 78 80 59 94 5 82 15 66 15 Night Ops, Teaching
Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski 99 56 48 97 09 62 1 89 76 13 22 Electronics, Lockpicking
Thor Kaufman 96 83 84 89 61 97 3 74 35 11 70 Stealth, Hand-to-hand
Trevor Colby 95 77 98 79 27 97 2 81 99 88 7 Electronics, Lockpicking
Victoria "Vicki" Waters 79 85 72 72 33 85 4 84 94 28 18 Ambidextrous, Throwing
Peter "Wolf" Sanderson 90 83 86 85 22 76 3 79 65 40 48 Teaching, Night Ops
Janno "Brain" Allik** 94 82 79 94 38 88 3 78 76 43 28 Lockpicking, Heavy Weapons
Graziella "Grace" Girelli** 78 76 77 67 62 82 2 69 22 16 26 Throwing, Teaching
Lennart "Scream" Vilde** 81 82 78 79 67 83 4 76 37 23 34 Night Ops, Auto Weapons
Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov** 74 92 90 78 39 84 4 94 32 22 38 Auto Weapons, Camouflaged
Luc "Lucky" Fabre** 78 86 71 82 58 85 3 88 35 33 30 Auto Weapons, Hand-to-Hand
Dr. Laura Colin** 78 67 85 70 37 87 5 82 33 53 57 Auto Weapons, Stealthy
Rudolf Steiger** 80 76 87 68 69 90 6 94 32 36 46 Night Ops, Teaching
Henning von Branitz** 79 86 82 78 76 96 7 92 32 42 28 Auto Weapons, Heavy Weapons


Biff Apscott 73 74 71 41 13 58 2 57 0 4 24 Teaching
Thorton "Bubba" Jones 86 54 68 98 5 29 4 77 59 61 0 Hand-to-hand
Jim "Cougar" Wallace 88 83 79 87 31 75 5 93 58 45 33 Auto Weapons, Stealth
Florence "Flo" Gabriel 58 37 64 45 1 82 1 38 7 2 19 Teaching
Doug "Gasket" Milton 72 61 89 68 3 49 1 44 82 8 0 Lockpicking
Gaston Cavalier * 88 82 96 84 28 80 6 94 22 21 23 Night Ops, On roof
Tim "Gumpy" Hillman 67 45 67 70 11 94 1 44 0 56 9 Electronics
Frankie "Haywire" Gordon 65 59 76 71 1 58 1 48 8 31 2 Auto Weapons, Knifing
Larry Roachburn 69 87 79 67 18 70 3 70 14 92 70 Stealth, Lockpicking
Tim "Numb" Sutton 84 72 61 78 10 70 3 88 9 13 30 Night Ops, Martial Arts
Bill "Razor" Lamont 73 88 91 86 4 53 2 50 8 11 12 Knifing (Expert)
Lt. "Stogie" Horge * 98 78 84 96 33 77 7 89 74 43 11 Heavy Weapons (Expert)

Recruitable NPCs[]

Col. Frederick Biggins* 78 61 68 55 64 81 7 79 71 92 17 NIght Ops, Electronics
Carlos Dasouza 79 91 61 68 38 71 4 67 34 20 11 Throwing, Stealth
Lt. Conrad Gillitt 76 69 84 81 51 88 5 95 22 68 49 Teaching, Auto Weapons
Devin Connell 73 61 88 71 11 72 3 67 34 96 2 Electronics, Knifing
Dimitri Guzzo 75 73 51 71 21 56 1 77 71 12 17 Throwing (Expert)
Greg "Dynamo" Duncan 33/76 57 67 55 8 78 1 68 67 9 21 Lockpicking (Expert)
Hamous 68 68 66 69 5 35 2 78 19 0 0 Stealth
Igmus "Iggy" Palkov 88 81 79 85 15 71 5 87 42 21 33 Heavy Weapons (Expert)
Ira Smythe 76 72 91 55 14 83 2 55 8 2 40 Teaching (Expert)
John Kulba* 67 51 60 66 8 65 3 95 88 2 8 Auto Weapons (Expert)
Kevin "Maddog" Cameron 91 91 92 78 8 56 1 66 68 18 7 Lockpicking (Expert)
Manuel* 76 72 91 76 45 83 4 78 8 22 40 Stealth (Expert)
Miguel Cordona 88 73 76 83 98 80 6 85 22 31 13 NIght Ops, Knifing
Breeham "Shank" Druz 46/73 36 43 31 07 80 1 45 11 9 17 Throwing (Expert)
Richard "Slay" Ruttwen aka "Terry" 80 76 78 77 16 59 4 93 44 34 10 On roof, Auto Weapons
Tex R. Colburn* 81 77 74 70 3 52 4 88 44 2 4 Ambidextrous, Camouflage
Dr. Vincent "Vince" Beaumont 94 49 92 69 33 94 2 35 13 3 94 Teaching, Ambidextrous

* = Available exclusively in Unfinished Business.

** = Available exclusively in Wildfire












San Mona[]


Other and multiple locations[]

Intercept's Most Wanted, Terrorists[]

Head Miners[]

Kingpin's Assassins[]

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action[]

To be added... this table will do untill then

Jagged Alliance - Back in Action Mercenaries

Jagged Alliance - Back in Action ... Initial Mercenaries
