Assassinate Sgt. Adam Granger. Laugh while you do it. This is the twenty-seventh scenario mission in Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games. Here, you are tasked by Gus Tarballs to kill an old enemy of his.
You are in an urban terrain with loads of forests, most which encircle the moat that in turn surrounds a solitary square-shaped building where Granger is hiding in. There's a bridge leading eastwards to that compound while a rectangular land mass leads from the north to the building. Engage all red-shirts outside successfully when you can and crouch and use vegetation as cover. Either use the bridge or the land mass or risk your mercs by wading through the water. Granger will likely have bodyguards with powerful weapons. One quick way is to bring several hand grenads or molotov cocktails and a live explosive. Use the Live Explosive to blow open any side of building which also injures or kills Granger and his comrades. The extra grenades would help once you blow open the wall. If not, just approach and there's a door. The western end of the bridge has a detonator a merc with very good explosive skills can deactivate but still the bridge might blow and injure the merc. Granger when killed will drop a Spectra Shield. Inside the building are three crates, one with money, one may contain a chunk of steel and a second with a rigged hand grenades. Granger's men will drop all kinds of ammo, rigged Stun Grenade, rigged Tear Gas Grenade and rigged Hand Grenades. Grangerr himself if you're not careful, will shoot stun grenades using a grende.